Sunday, December 30, 2007

Our Love

Today with help

From the Man above

We celebrate 20 years

Of growing love

Friday, December 28, 2007

A working man's observation

The Press of Time

The press of time

Is less than sublime

We hurry up and wait

Hoping to learn our fate

And yet we have to be here anyway

Being paid till the end of our day.

But perspective changes as the hours tick by

Dragging on slower when we want them to fly.

But if we really, really love what we do

The time flies too fast till were through.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Adventure Australia: Emu Says

Adventure Australia: Emu Says

Are we alone?

A New Planet *

A new earth has been found

Traveling a far star around

This planet, half again as big,

‘Causes it’s star to dance a jig

With a temperature from 32 to 104

It could have flowing water and more.

But it is so many light years away

Astronaut explorers have no way

Even traveling at the speed of light

To get there before humanity’s night

*Recently discovered, Gliese 581C circles a medium size star, smaller than our sun. Its sun is cooler than ours, but the compensation for the planet is that it is much closer and thus receives sufficient light and heat to make its median heat the same as ours. The negative side of the story is that the planet always faces the sun which means that one side is hot and the other side is cold. However, along the terminus between the two, life would probably be quite comfortable. We won’t be visiting anytime soon, however, as it is 20.5 light years away from us. We are, however, still considered to be neighbors, as we are in the same galaxy. It’s in the Libra constellation. It is considered to be the most habitable of 200 planets identified.

It might be a neat place to visit for the weekend if your faster than light speed craft wasn’t in the garage for repairs. We’ll just have to wait for a more fortuitous time.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007



I just love this

wintry cold air…

It means there ain’t

no bugs there!

Sunday, December 23, 2007



Once a year

Keep the spirit

All year

Monday, December 17, 2007


Now requires
Optimal road

So, get ready

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Everyone, except maybe

Xerxes, needs to exercise

Every day to

Render the fat and

Create improved circulation. This


Slim and not so slim folks slowly

Evolving to better health

Saturday, December 15, 2007







Whether it impacts your

Health, or financial well being!

Monday, December 10, 2007


Memory is so precious…

Everyone needs it

More as they get

Older, but that’s when

Remembering is harder

Year after year… HELP!!!

(Just like a hard drive that gets slow when it’s full)

Saturday, December 8, 2007



Safe arrival

Now requires

Optimal road


There is snow and then there is snow.

Given the right temperature and humidity it may be like sparkly gems of fluff lightly dusting your world.

Or the right circumstances may produce a mildly wet and wonderfully bonding snow preferred world wide by kids preparing for the snow ball fight of the century, building snow block fortresses and making piles of snowballs for the neighborhood skirmish.

Forget the fact that you hate to drive in it. Just gaze upon the imaginative snow sculptures fashioned by budding artists.

And thank God that it wasn’t freezing sleet… Oh, and that it melted off the roads by the time you got off work!

Friday, December 7, 2007





Seek out

Others with

Negative personality


Light up your

Inner person so


You glow outwardly

Thursday, December 6, 2007



Plus personal



Results in






Your well being

Sunday, December 2, 2007



Sincere and


Personal consideration of

Putting (or keeping)

Others needs in mind

Rarely is a burden

That weighs heavily

Saturday, December 1, 2007




Accentuates all


Success stories


Of category or person,

Now, in the past or the future

*Written for Lori, who says it’s her favorite word.

Friday, November 30, 2007

The Problem

Even the darkest clouds

Are beautiful from above…

Visualize the reward waiting for you

On the other side of your problem

And then figure out a way

To solve it!

Friday, November 23, 2007












It’s not only good for others,

It’s good for us as well.

Thursday, November 22, 2007





Above and





Inside, for


I say, forgiving is a

Necessary part of

Giving thanks

Think about it and then do it.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Calm action when

Others don’t react to the

Urgent need to

Respond immediately to

Arrest the progress of a

Growing danger or

Even potentially fatal event

Instinctive reactions sometimes

are considered courageous, but

not by the person who acted.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007


It becomes a
Investment of
Time and
Your patience

Wednesday, October 24, 2007



Impart wisdom

Seldom appreciated

Until you have become

A grandparent yourself.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


The art of the dance

is romance

Tuesday, October 9, 2007




You do

Along the way

That matters


Sunday, October 7, 2007



There’s lots’a cool tools

Saws are great for cutting apart

So are scissors

Hammers and nails


Screwdrivers and screws

Are good for puttin’ back together


The coolest tool

Is the Golden Rule

Friday, October 5, 2007



Strength comes in many forms

We bust our butts to become buff

We strengthen our mind with

mental exercises

We strengthen our reflexes with

video games

The most important strength we get

is from those who support us

in our hour of need…

Strength that is channeled

From above.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Rumors travel
at the speed of sound.

Juicy ones hit Mach 3!!!

Sunday, September 30, 2007


The Best


You do

Your best

The example is

There for the rest

A smile



May be worth

A thousand words


A smile

Is unforgettable

It will happen

It will


If it should

If it doesn’t


You should

Prepare better

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Homeless

Do you suppose the homeless in Venice have to tread water?

Do you suppose the homeless in Pamplona have to get up
early when they run the bulls?

There are no homeless in Heaven.

Anyone can get in


Monday, September 17, 2007


To avoid an autopsy
Stay alive!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Best

The Best


You do

Your best

The example is

There for the rest

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A Good Woman

I don't think most men
Could be as good

As a good woman.

If nothing else,
They just couldn't

Keep up with
The multi-tasking.

Sunday, September 2, 2007


Some say that
"Beauty is only skin deep"

But I say:

Beauty starts at
The core of your being.

So, let your inner self shine out!

Friday, August 31, 2007



In all ways

Gets you

Through your


Tuesday, August 28, 2007



If God

Were a part

Of your body

What part

Would he be?

He’d be

Your blood

He delivers

The good stuff

He takes away

The bad stuff


He permeates

Your very being.

Simon Stargazer III

Friday, August 17, 2007


Use every hour you can
To the very best of your ability

'Cause let me tell ya man
They'll not repeat for you or me

Monday, August 13, 2007


The value of blunders
is the lessons learned!

Thursday, August 2, 2007


The beauty
Of the human race

Is shown
On each and every face

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Ultra-light flight

The next best thing
To having angels wings

Friday, July 20, 2007


From here to Eternity
A lot of maternity!



But, oh...



Monday, July 16, 2007


What a fright!
The sun's so bright!

Can't see the traffic light!
Wish I could take flight!

On the other hand...

It sure beats
Winter's dreary light!

The Fragility of Life

Life is like a candle
In an open window

You never know when
A puff of wind

Will make it sputter
Or blow it out.


If your work
Is your life...

Don't quit

Friday, July 13, 2007


It's Friday!
My brain's tired
My eyes are tired
My attention level is tired
My barrier against drivel is worn
My tolerance for small talk is smaller
My feet are tired from walking to the car to get here

It must be dejavu, 'cause this is just like last Friday!


Stress is
An overworked word...

Only because
It is so darn

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The 4th of July

Why do we celebrate the 4th of July?

Do you really know?

Do you feel thankful
that our ancestors earned
us the right to vote?

They rebelled
and went to war
with their king

So we no longer have to
pledge allegiance to a king

We don't have to have a rebellion
to get rid of those in control

We can use that vote to get rid of
those that make laws we don't like

But to do that we must use our vote
where it counts: in the primary election.

This is where the change has the most effect.

If both sides select new faces with new ideas
then the general election will have new representatives.

This 4th of July celebrate by making a vow
to take people to vote in the primary election!

(inspired by the recent increase in property taxes
voted on by our elected officials)

Saturday, June 30, 2007


Live in the present not the past
'Cause the past surely won't last

And the future, don't fear
'Cause it ain't quite here.

So, you still got time to get ready
On that, you can quote me, Freddy

In the meantime
Enjoy the sublime

Friday, June 29, 2007


People who are non-compliant

With their medical advice

Will be compliant with the

Early ends of their lifes

Friday, June 22, 2007

Thursday, June 21, 2007


What color is stress?

Puke green to livid red!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Fuel Efficiency

Ah, the human bod!

What else would do 13.1 miles
Per plate of pasta and a bottle of H2O?

Friday, June 15, 2007

The Facade

She was like a box of agates.
So beautiful but no thoughts

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Get a life
Lose a life

You gotta be more than an observer
Get involved or life will pass you by

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Think Like You Are

When I was a little boy

I thought like a little boy

Now that I’m grown to be a man

My little boy expects me to think like I am.

When you’re small

That tells it all

Friday, June 8, 2007

Be Thyself

Be thyself
Come down off the shelf

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Look at Life

Look at life with
The reverance of

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Noah! I Say NOAH!

And God said: NOAH!

You gotta WHOA!

Stop what you’re doin’

And pay strict attention

I say, Noah, you’re the only one I trust

But don’t sit still or you’re gonna rust

Let me set this firmly in your brain,

Soon I’m gonna send a mighty rain

‘Cause all the folks down there

Are screwin’ up just everywhere

So, I aim to leave’em behind

In a great big bind

And it’s up to you to save the rest

I’m counting on you to do your best

Here’s my plans, now go build me an ark

Fill it with animals starting with aardvark

It’ll be a floating menagery bereft of style

But you won’t even care after a while

You see, it sure beats treadin’ water in tights

After my punishing rain of forty days and nights


Some people's humanity
Is tied to their vanity
Where's the sanity?

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Beauty is Skin Deep

"Ya know, honey, beauty is only skin deep."
she said as she piled her stuff in a big heap

Lets see, there was a wig and eyelashes
Hearing aid, falsies and stylish eyeglasses

When her dentures hit the floor
I asked, "Is there anything more?"

She said "What ya see is what ya get"
I said "After all these years, I love ya yet!"

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What it is...

In Real-estate it's:

Location, Location, Location.

In Racing it's

Timing, Timing, Timing!

In Life it's:

Live it, Live it, Live it!!

So, live it to the hilt!!!

The Sun

Even from 93 million miles
The sun still brings plenty of smiles

Monday, May 28, 2007


Haven't you heard?
Spread the word

Live's more worth living
When you're giving

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Need a Boost?

Tell someone something
Truly nice about themselves

And watch their
Positive reaction

Friday, May 25, 2007

The Old Veterans

These men are some of a special breed
They come to the hospital in time of need

These are the guys who fought in WWII
Many times they bring their faithful wives too

And sometimes it's only the wives
Who tell of the men in their lives

They tell of hardships their men endured long ago
So that they and each of us, that evil, could forgo

The wives speak with tearful concern
Over husband's poor health they discern

For they know their gallant guys still pay the price
For the horrors of war they endured in fire and ice

We honor their service, behind, or at the front
We wish we could fulfill their every need or want

But mostly we thank them for what they've done
As we remember their sacrifices in a war they won

They were a part of our nations might
As it fought against evil to keep things right

And so to them we continue to say
Thank you, each and every day

This was written for a WWII vet that came
with his wive for an Echocardiogram. But it
honors all those who have fought for our country
from the Revolutionary War through our current
conflicts. Know a vet? Meet or see a vet?
Thank him.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

A Single Day

You have just one day to live.

Will you use it to take or give?

What is important now?

Not your furrowed brow!

Appearances fade from view

With this challenge so new.

And so give it sincere thought!

Now, consider what you ought!

A single day can have an impact.

And that, my friend, is truly a fact.

Would you be John Wilkes Booth that day,

Trying to change a nation in his own way?

Or Bob Hope, still using humor as he lay,

On his deathbed through his very last day?

Each one’s life made a difference.

Neither one straddled that fence.

You don’t have to be great,

And it may not be your fate.

But today’s thoughtful decision

May lead to a great new vision.

So, remember, if you will:

To use each day to its fill.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

About Life

The longer you live...
The shorter it gets

God designed our bodies
With built in wear dates

So we'll be ready and willing
To leave them

When He calls for us.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Morning Was Cool...

The morning was cool... There was a heaviness in the air
It was almost like a cloud had dropped in and settled there

But it was only fog that had drifted in overnight from the bay.
Stealthy tendrils were starting to dissipate in the light of day.

A cat prowled quietly around its edge
Like she was traversing a narrow ledge

A garbage truck lumbered from can to can
Tended by one solitary carefree man

The scent of bacon wafted from an open window
As the first rays of sun cast a beautiful red glow

And though you could cut the fog with a knife
These were the signs the city was coming to life

And thus began a spring day
Down on San Francisco Bay

Life Comes At You

Life comes at you
One day at a time

You can make the
Most of it that way

Monday, May 21, 2007

Nuevo Old Age

When you get those first
Sprinkles of Wrinkles

Sunday, May 20, 2007

A Tribute To Bob Hope

His fists were powder puffs
His punchlines were deadly

His name was Hope

He came, he saw
He conquered

His name was Hope

He left 'em rolling
In the aisles

His name was Hope

Now in the perfect hereafter
There'll be perfect laughter

His name is Hope...

Thanks for the memories!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Free Your Feelings

You keep your feelings in a box
Protected with big ol' locks

No one gets in without a pass
Not even a great lookin' lass

For the world is tough
It'll treat you rough

But you won't be scared
If you're well prepared

So take a good look
See what makes you cook

Examine your issues
See what lights your fuse

Find out what you can do
When someone pushes you

You may well find
When you prep your mind

Your feelings are controlled
When your thoughts are patrolled

There is One you can trust with this part
But you have ask Him into your heart.

And just like me
It will set you free


Mini hotel rooms for infinity
Expensivly built for you and me

Providing solitude for just
Our final return to dust

A monumental waste of money
That seems ridiculously funny

When I'm gone I won't care
What happens to my hair

And that tattoo on my chest
Will disappear just like the rest

So spend my coffin money on a party
For them as is still hale and hearty

Friday, May 18, 2007

The Noise

I heard a noise early in the day
That made me cringe as I lay

Right in the middle of a yawn
I heard the cracking of the dawn!

Simon Stargazer III

What I would seek... if.

Ah! Sweet repose!
If I could only doze!

Simon Stargazer III

Thursday, May 17, 2007

A bird in the hand

A bird in the hand
was too slow!

Simon Stargazer III

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Fog is God's way of telling us
to slow down!

Simon Stargazer III

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Over There

The grass may be greener
But ya still gotta cut it!

Simon Stargazer III

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Carb Watching

Carb Watching

Low carb is here
Check the beer

Most diets are a fad
Some say they're bad

Simon sez "All things in moderation
Could result in a thinner nation."

Simon Stargazer III

Saturday, May 12, 2007



Haven't you heard?
Spread the word:

Life's worth more living
When you're giving!

Simon Stargazer III



Love is a many splendored thing

Especially if acccompanied by a ring!

Simon Stargazer III

Friday, May 11, 2007



When your garden, looking so new,
Says with pride: "This bud's for you!"

Simon Stargazer III




Let us consider what makes up a word.

Char… well, that could relate to care or charm,

Something that each of us has a measure of,

And that we should dole out liberally with each encounter

Acter… (or actor) how we act on a daily basis,

Not just because we want to impress others,

But because we want to protect what we perceive as us,

The internal person

Character… our true character is more important than money,

As has been said by various icons in many fields

And so,

As we go through each day

Let us be careful to say

Words that will be true

Not just out of the blue

Ones that will not damage

Our character or our image

For once a word is uttered

It can no longer be shuttered.

Simon Stargazer III

Thursday, May 10, 2007


To get along in life
Avoid Strife

Simon Stargazer III

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


A picture may be
Worth 1000 words
But the imagination
Is endless!

Simon Stargazer III


You rest

You rust

Courtesy of Chuck Guthrie
Simon Stargazer III

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Luck: There's Good and Bad, But...

The fact is, it’s serendipity

That affects you and me.

So look ahead, be prepared

And from luck you might be spared.

Simon Stargazer III

For Mother's Day

A Mothers Love


Is the beginning

Of a mother’s love


That is surpassed

Only by that from


Simon Stargazer III

Monday, May 7, 2007

Time to Burn?

Time to Burn?

Tweedlee Dee and Tweedlee Dum

Were doing their daily ‘ho hum’

And by that I mean to say…

It was their bored time of day

You ever get that? When work slows down

And you’d much rather be out on the town?

Why don’t you take a spell to think…

Is there something to set down in ink?

You could think of a routine for down time

Something that wouldn’t even cost a dime

You could get ahead of the game

By doing something so very tame

Simon Stargazer III

Sunday, May 6, 2007



A glass half full
Or half empty

Still has enough left
For a good drink!

Simon Stargazer III



True friends are
Gods gift for life

Simon Stargazer III

Human Nature

Human Nature


Less human
More nature!

In the heat of the moment
we need to slow down

and think before we
engage the mouth

We need to remember that
we are supposed to
be above

the animals that attack
with their teeth and claws
in order to survive

In order for our relationships to survive
we need to do this.

Simon Stargazer III

Monday, April 30, 2007

What??? Monday again?!

What? Monday Again?!

Is it Monday again already?
If you're like me, you're not ready

Friday finished up a grueling week
The weekend provided the rest I seek

But I'll suck it up and charge ahead
In other words, Ill get out the lead!

Simon Stargazer III

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Noah! I Say NOAH!

And God said: NOAH!

You gotta WHOA!

Stop what you’re doin’

And pay strict attention

I say, Noah, you’re the only one I trust

But don’t sit still or you’re gonna rust

Let me set this firmly in your brain,

Soon I’m gonna send a mighty rain

‘Cause all the folks down there

Are screwin’ up just everywhere

So, I aim to leave’em behind

In a great big bind

And it’s up to you to save the rest

I’m counting on you to do your best

Here’s my plans, now go build me an ark

Fill it with animals starting with aardvark

It’ll be a floating menagery bereft of style

But you won’t even care after a while

You see, it sure beats treadin’ water in tights

After my punishing rain of forty days and nights

Simon Stargazer III.