Today with help
From the Man above
We celebrate 20 years
Of growing love
Aphorisms, poetry and prose from my take on everyday life. Some of it from my recently published book "Wit and Wisdom from the Wild and Wacky World of Simon Stargazer III", and part of it may appear in future books.
The Press of Time
The press of time
Is less than sublime
We hurry up and wait
Hoping to learn our fate
And yet we have to be here anyway
Being paid till the end of our day.
But perspective changes as the hours tick by
Dragging on slower when we want them to fly.
But if we really, really love what we do
The time flies too fast till were through.
A New Planet *
A new earth has been found
Traveling a far star around
This planet, half again as big,
‘Causes it’s star to dance a jig
With a temperature from 32 to 104
It could have flowing water and more.
But it is so many light years away
Astronaut explorers have no way
Even traveling at the speed of light
To get there before humanity’s night
*Recently discovered, Gliese 581C circles a medium size star, smaller than our sun. Its sun is cooler than ours, but the compensation for the planet is that it is much closer and thus receives sufficient light and heat to make its median heat the same as ours. The negative side of the story is that the planet always faces the sun which means that one side is hot and the other side is cold. However, along the terminus between the two, life would probably be quite comfortable. We won’t be visiting anytime soon, however, as it is 20.5 light years away from us. We are, however, still considered to be neighbors, as we are in the same galaxy. It’s in the Libra constellation. It is considered to be the most habitable of 200 planets identified.
It might be a neat place to visit for the weekend if your faster than light speed craft wasn’t in the garage for repairs. We’ll just have to wait for a more fortuitous time.
Xerxes, needs to exercise
Every day to
Render the fat and
Create improved circulation. This
Slim and not so slim folks slowly
Evolving to better health
Memory is so precious…
Everyone needs it
More as they get
Older, but that’s when
Remembering is harder
Year after year… HELP!!!
(Just like a hard drive that gets slow when it’s full)
Safe arrival
Now requires
Optimal road
There is snow and then there is snow.
Given the right temperature and humidity it may be like sparkly gems of fluff lightly dusting your world.
Or the right circumstances may produce a mildly wet and wonderfully bonding snow preferred world wide by kids preparing for the snow ball fight of the century, building snow block fortresses and making piles of snowballs for the neighborhood skirmish.
Forget the fact that you hate to drive in it. Just gaze upon the imaginative snow sculptures fashioned by budding artists.
And thank God that it wasn’t freezing sleet… Oh, and that it melted off the roads by the time you got off work!
Seek out
Others with
Negative personality
Light up your
Inner person so
You glow outwardly
Plus personal
Results in
Your well being
Sincere and
Personal consideration of
Putting (or keeping)
Others needs in mind
Rarely is a burden
That weighs heavily
Accentuates all
Success stories
Of category or person,
Now, in the past or the future
*Written for Lori, who says it’s her favorite word.
Even the darkest clouds
Are beautiful from above…
Visualize the reward waiting for you
On the other side of your problem
And then figure out a way
To solve it!
It’s not only good for others,
It’s good for us as well.
Above and
Inside, for
I say, forgiving is a
Necessary part of
Giving thanks
Think about it and then do it.
Calm action when
Others don’t react to the
Urgent need to
Respond immediately to
Arrest the progress of a
Growing danger or
Even potentially fatal event
Instinctive reactions sometimes
are considered courageous, but
not by the person who acted.
Impart wisdom
Seldom appreciated
Until you have become
A grandparent yourself.
There’s lots’a cool tools
Saws are great for cutting apart
So are scissors
Hammers and nails
Screwdrivers and screws
Are good for puttin’ back together
The coolest tool
Is the Golden Rule
Strength comes in many forms
We bust our butts to become buff
We strengthen our mind with
mental exercises
We strengthen our reflexes with
video games
The most important strength we get
is from those who support us
in our hour of need…
Strength that is channeled
From above.
If God
Were a part
Of your body
What part
Would he be?
He’d be
Your blood
He delivers
The good stuff
He takes away
The bad stuff
He permeates
Your very being.
Simon Stargazer III
People who are non-compliant
With their medical advice
Will be compliant with the
Early ends of their lifes
When I was a little boy
I thought like a little boy
Now that I’m grown to be a man
My little boy expects me to think like I am.
When you’re small
That tells it all
You gotta WHOA!
Stop what you’re doin’
And pay strict attention
I say, Noah, you’re the only one I trust
But don’t sit still or you’re gonna rust
Let me set this firmly in your brain,
Soon I’m gonna send a mighty rain
‘Cause all the folks down there
Are screwin’ up just everywhere
So, I aim to leave’em behind
In a great big bind
And it’s up to you to save the rest
I’m counting on you to do your best
Here’s my plans, now go build me an ark
Fill it with animals starting with aardvark
It’ll be a floating menagery bereft of style
But you won’t even care after a while
You see, it sure beats treadin’ water in tights
After my punishing rain of forty days and nights
You have just one day to live.
Will you use it to take or give?
What is important now?
Not your furrowed brow!
Appearances fade from view
With this challenge so new.
And so give it sincere thought!
Now, consider what you ought!
A single day can have an impact.
And that, my friend, is truly a fact.
Would you be John Wilkes Booth that day,
Trying to change a nation in his own way?
Or Bob Hope, still using humor as he lay,
On his deathbed through his very last day?
Each one’s life made a difference.
Neither one straddled that fence.
You don’t have to be great,
And it may not be your fate.
But today’s thoughtful decision
May lead to a great new vision.
So, remember, if you will:
To use each day to its fill.
Let us consider what makes up a word.
Char… well, that could relate to care or charm,
Something that each of us has a measure of,
And that we should dole out liberally with each encounter
Acter… (or actor) how we act on a daily basis,
Not just because we want to impress others,
But because we want to protect what we perceive as us,
The internal person
Character… our true character is more important than money,
As has been said by various icons in many fields
And so,
As we go through each day
Let us be careful to say
Words that will be true
Not just out of the blue
Ones that will not damage
Our character or our image
For once a word is uttered
It can no longer be shuttered.
Simon Stargazer III
The fact is, it’s serendipity
That affects you and me.
So look ahead, be prepared
And from luck you might be spared.
A Mothers Love
Is the beginning
Of a mother’s love
That is surpassed
Only by that from
Time to Burn?
Tweedlee Dee and Tweedlee Dum
Were doing their daily ‘ho hum’
And by that I mean to say…
It was their bored time of day
You ever get that? When work slows down
And you’d much rather be out on the town?
Why don’t you take a spell to think…
Is there something to set down in ink?
You could think of a routine for down time
Something that wouldn’t even cost a dime
You could get ahead of the game
By doing something so very tame
Simon Stargazer III
Noah! I Say NOAH!
And God said: NOAH!
You gotta WHOA!
Stop what you’re doin’
And pay strict attention
I say, Noah, you’re the only one I trust
But don’t sit still or you’re gonna rust
Let me set this firmly in your brain,
Soon I’m gonna send a mighty rain
‘Cause all the folks down there
Are screwin’ up just everywhere
So, I aim to leave’em behind
In a great big bind
And it’s up to you to save the rest
I’m counting on you to do your best
Here’s my plans, now go build me an ark
Fill it with animals starting with aardvark
It’ll be a floating menagery bereft of style
But you won’t even care after a while
You see, it sure beats treadin’ water in tights
After my punishing rain of forty days and nights
Simon Stargazer III.