Sunday, February 17, 2008


Have a drink!

Forget the beer suds

Tweak your taste buds

You need to slowly infuse

Your senses with real juice

Orange is just so ordinary

So make it your secondary

On your first reach

Grab some peach

Or be really brash

Show some panache

Tickle your pallet
With pomegranate!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Weather We Could Like

Snow and Ice!

Snow and Ice
Would be nice

If you kept the snow
On the lawn

And the Ice
In your glass!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Cat

My cat just clawed the toilet paper roll...

I hope the holes don't overlap!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Washed hands lately?

A Day in the Life of a Germ

Hi! My name is Germy. I’m just your average every day germ. I don’t do anything special. But I do have a special cell phone to keep in touch with my best friend germs.

Today I woke up in a nice warm mouth on the back of a tongue next to the left upper wisdom tooth. Learned a lot there that I won’t use. Uh oh… bit of a rough ride just now. Intermittent coughs I can handle, but look out for those sneezes! Whoa!! All of a sudden it’s bright and I’m flying through the air on the wave of a big sneeze. Air speed about 600 feet pre second and dropping rapidly. Wonder where I’ll land? Ah, the bathroom sink. Been there before… it’s a great pick up spot. Lot’s a new germs here I’ve never met before. Some of ‘em seem really friendly, but there’s a of bunch of ol’ tough lookin’ hunks on the faucet. Think I’ll steer clear of them.

I hope I get to visit far away places today. I’ve got a yen for travel. Oh good, someone just leaned on the sink to brush their teeth. I’ll just crawl on to that big old hand and take a ride. Oh! Oh! I better wait a few minutes… he hasn’t washed that hand yet. OK, that’s done and I can get on now. But riding on a hand does have its ups and downs. Next stop the front door knob ‘cause I fell off when he turned it. Well I’ll get picked up soon enough… his wife will be along any moment on her way to work. She works at the airport. Yahoo! Here she comes in a rush… must be late. She’s got her make up kit in one hand and her keys in the other. Timing, timing… great, I made it onto her hand. And off we go. Thankfully I avoided the lipstick and missed her lips. Gotta stay on that hand till we get to the check in counter. I want to take a short ride on an airline ticket, hopefully first class and see where I end up for the day.

My luck is holding. The ticket she is handing over is to Phoenix! I just made it to the edge of it as she was giving it to the passenger. Cute girl. I gotta hurry and make it to her finger before she puts it in her purse. Oh, doesn’t matter, ‘cause I just split in two and left my clone behind on the ticket. Yea! We’re on the plane and drinks and snacks are here. Oops! I just got rubbed off on the attendant’s hand. Oh NO! Not into the waste bin! Whew, that was close, but now I’m going back out with the re-fills. I manage to glob onto the pinky finger of a heavy drinker. Oh great! We’re on the way to the restroom now. Guess he was too heavy of a drinker.

Gotta be careful, ‘cause I don’t wanna get flushed. Wow, I managed to stay on the hand and missed the wipe, but… OH! NO! Too late!! I got washed!! Now I’ll never make it to Phoenix! As luck would have it he didn’t use any soap and I’m down the drain and out of the plane headed to the ground.

Oh happy day! The good news is I landed on a brand new Mercedes! The bad news is we just went into a car wash! Arrgh! Glub, glub, gurgle… I’m dying! Urrk!

Moral of the story: if you’re not a germ, be sure to wash your hands often!