Monday, December 29, 2008


Pulling weeds
Is God's way
Of keeping us humble


I suppose that
I will never see

A chocolate
That's good for me!

But that sure won't
Stop the yearning

For all the calories
I'd have to be burning!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Crystals in flight

A snowy delight!

A Progression of the masses

Anointing both lads and lasses

It starts with just a few in flight

Pretty soon everything's white


(and other religious celebrations)

If you will

In the minds of the young
Why what is done, is done

Teach them the reason
For the season

And it matters not
Which religion you've got

For there is no greater love
Than that which is given from above

Simon Stargazer III

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Many triggers

Elicit ever more

Memorable events

Of both enduring and

Richly satisfying thoughts of

Your childhood and ensuing times

New house priority #1

That bedroom curtain

Gotta get up for certain

For it’d be quite rude

For you to see us nude!



The hole in your heart

From grief

Creates more space

For love



Is never

More nor less than

Everyone needs to get through life

Think about it!

Have a Good Morning

Ever wake up and your brain’s groggy

And your voice sounds oh so froggy?

Well hop on down to your local shower

Do a gargle and feel the hot water power

A good stinging hot spray

Will get you on your way

But if you still want to get back in bed

Well, friend, you must be halfway dead!

Simon Stargazer III

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Essence of a Man

How is it

that a man’s Greatness

can be Summed up so Ineloquently

And yet

At the same time

So succinctly as this?

The buck stops here.

(Remembering President Harry Truman)

The Wilderness of the Mind

The wilderness of the mind

Is a lonely place

That’s where you put things

You just can’t face

But they will come back

And make you blue

When those awful things

Rise and haunt you

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Will come when
We all pitch in
To make it


Comes when
Actions speak
Louder than

Took action
Tuesday, 11-4-08

The Veteran

I worked on a vet the other day

He fought in a war far away

I thanked him for his sacrifice and what he’d done*

He said he wouldn’t have done it for just anyone

But he’d do it again for our country

So it would stay free for you and me

Simon Stargazer III

*I hope you thank all the vets that you meet

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Droppings, or is it drippings?

The Name Dropper

Name dropping's a way of life

Frequently fraught with strife

For those living vicariously

For the glow of camaraderie!


Communication is Like Carpentry

Speaking your mind

Is like cutting boards:


Your thoughts twice


You utter your words

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Your own


Thursday, September 11, 2008


Is what
You should do:

Always be true

Through December:

Small little
Oh so white lie...

Will follow 
You till you die!


Of Wisdom 
Are asy to come by


Learning to live by
Them is the

Sunday, September 7, 2008




Our own



Of other’s


And the results are

Our responsibility!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Cat

MY Cat!

I had a chat

With my cat

The other day

It went this way:

Are you comfy down there

With your rear up in the air?

Don’t slither from place to place

Ending up with covering my face

And now that I’m quietly reading the paper

Why do you start your bat the paper caper?

And now that I am approaching the hour of sleep

Why do you surreptitiously under my blanket creep?

And when your tiny little claws dig into my rib

I wish that I’d worn a large patent leather bib

You curl up in the bend of my knee

So I can’t get out of bed and go pee.

Like some denizen from the deep

You attack my unassuming feet!

Well, I don’t fall on my face

And you still win the race

Now it’s back to bed

And I hide my head

Yes, I love you cat

Warming my back

Big fat



All that soft fur

Covers a lotta purr! Inspired by Purkinje, our Siamese.(and he’s long, not fat!)

Thursday, August 28, 2008


We have a reason
To be optimistic every day...

It's just that some days
We have to work harder to find it!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

When in Jail

When one is in jail
Time flies like a snail

Sunday, August 17, 2008


The hole in your heart

From grief

Creates more space

For love



(the short version)

Problems come

Problems go

Life goes on

Go with it





Saturday, July 19, 2008

God's Plan

Pulling grass
Is God's way of
Keeping us humble

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Sometimes wisdom
Is knowing

Monday, May 12, 2008



If you’re happy

And you know it…

Consider the impact!


Saturday, May 3, 2008


You determine
Your importance

Think about it!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Breaking News

This just in

Clouds brake for sunshine…

What a beautiful thought

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Eyes

Your eyes are the access
To your soul

Make sure that you
Maintain control

Spring Is Upon Us Yellowly

The Essence of Yellow

Ah yes, the Yellow Cab...
To ride in one is quite fab

But for a real delight
Consider this sight:

In the daffodil, oh so bold,
Yellow is a sight to behold!

Friday, April 11, 2008

And then?

The Tectonic Slide

For years it’s been going on. You may have thought that As the World Turns was just a Soap Opera. Well, of course, you would have been correct in the limited sense of the phrase. But, for those more scientifically inclined, it refers to what actually happens to the earth as it turns. It’s been going on for millions of years, according to scientists in the know.

As the earth turns it puts great pressure on the tectonic plates lying on the bed of the earth’s molten core. These plates have been crunching together for years. In some cases the result has been mountain ranges along the eastern and western edges of our North American continent. In other cases it involves great cracks or rifts between plates, which try to shift to the North or the South as a result of the great pressures involved. I call these two phenomena The War of the Plates…

The former events occurred thousand, even million years ago as mountains rose around the globe. The latter is a more recent series of events which continue to occur around the world and are exhibited in explosive events called earthquakes. For years, scientists have tried to predict when these events would occur, with little success, even though they used various monitoring techniques that appeared to report accurately the many small changes that happen over time along these earthquake zones.

What is happening represents the natural evolution of our planet as it ages and travels through space. It is a result of the forces of nature and unknown factors in space that are in conflict. Or is it God’s planned correction to His creation that we’ve seen before?

As astronomers and other space scientists continue their studies of the true nature of space and it’s make up, they will discover a currently unrecognized element that makes up the fabric of space existing between all known stars, planets, cosmic dust, particles and other elements.

I will call this other element the “anti-grave” force. It is the force that exerts friction on the surface of the earth as it turns, resulting in the shift of the tectonic plates relative to the molten core beneath. If not unchecked, this activity will eventually rip the tectonic plates from the surface of earth and hurl them spinning out into space, resulting in a second asteroid belt coursing around the sun. Earth will then become much like the planet Mercury with its searingly hot surface. The human race, if it has not succeeded in colonizing other planets in our, or in other solar systems, will likely disappear in the process. It goes without saying that what is left of the tectonic plates, as they course around the sun in their new orbit, will not be individually large enough to maintain an atmosphere of necessary oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen required to support any type of life beyond the level of the most basic microbes.

And God said “Noah, I command you to build an arc... for I will cause great rains to cover the earth with waters.” Before the tectonic plates rip loose and the earth is consumed by fire, a new Noah will be instructed to build a space arc to save those few remaining faithful to God and his commandments. Do you believe in His awesome power to save us? Space awaits… are you ready?


Hi all...
Yesterday morning I stepped out into an almost
oppressively close, moist, warmish atmosphere
that smelled of water. It inspired this poem.

It’s Gonna Rain

The forecast was for rain

I know: my joints are in pain

And when I walked outside

The air fairly stuck to my hide

In the words of my beautiful wife

You could cut the air with a knife

You could feel the water in the air;

Today I’m gonna have “bad hair”

Though the rain was not here

I knew it was awfully near

Sure enough, lightning split the air

And there was water everywhere!

By the way...

my joints don't pain as a warning...

but my wife's do

How about yours?

Monday, April 7, 2008


My Career

When I came to St. V

I used to do EKG

When I decided it wasn’t for me

I considered Physical Therapy

I then decided with uneasy fear

That it wasn’t to be my career

Next came the Cath Lab

That just sounded so fab

But along came serendipity…

You know how that can be

It was Echo

On the go

I got exposed to Ultrasound

As it was getting off the ground

And then Cross Sectional Anatomy

Suddenly made good sense to me

Forty years of internal imagery

Finally made something of me.

Now I’m in therapy

Writing this poetry


I went to a Funeral

I went to a funeral the other day…

Something strange was at play

Everyone was smiling I saw

Even down to the distant in-law

What could account for this behavior

Didn’t someone just meet their maker?

Memories of a life well spent

Could not darken this event

Fabulous stories and pictures all revealed

Events and celebrations of a life well heeled

Not of money but of love of family and friends

Like the Love from above that just never ends.

They were celebrating the continuation of a life

Which was now surpassing its final strife.

A Spoof on California

The Quakenator

First came Arnold the Schwartzeneger

Then came “The Terminater”

Next it was “The Governater”

But this is not to be the end of the aters.

What’s next you say?

Arnold has a new plan to solve an old problem…

in fact it’ll take care of two of his problems.

He will introduce the Political Jump Contest. This

contest will pit Democrats against Republicans

in the most Democratic state in the nation.

No contest, you say? Watch!

The contest will be set for May First and will be

the first of state sponsored official annual

May Day Celebrations in California.

In this contest, Democrats, because they are liberal,

and everyone knows the most liberal are in the West,

will line up along the Western edge of the San Andreas Fault.

The Republicans, because they are mostly from the

conservative Midwest, will line up along the eastern edge

of the San Andreas Fault. At the stroke of noon

the Republicans will jump straight up and down,

followed immediately by the Democrats. This

alternation of jumping will continue for 45 minutes,

or until one side or the other finally tires out and falls down…

which ever occurs first. The group left standing

will be declared the winner.

Here comes the kicker…

Arnold, being the biggest and most intelligent

Austrio/Californian has determined through scientific

methods, that this continued oscillation along the length

of the San Andreas Fault will resonate deeply into the earth,

reaching to the deepest edge of the tectonic plates lying on

either side of the fault. This will effect a loosening of the

friction that holds the East and West plates together.

This will allow them to slip North and South,

releasing strain energy and causing the largest earthquake

since 1906, when San Francisco caught fire.

When the smoke clears the California of the West will have

fallen into the sea, taking her Democrats with her. That will

be the end of the California earthquakes... and his opposition.

Arnold will be declared Quakenater The Liberator.

Oh… and the annual May Day Celebration will then be called

the Califrornia Liberation Day Celebration.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Start The Day

I hate to be imperious

But let’s get serious

Start your day

The Comics way

And don’t dare stop

Till you laugh a lot

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


There are three kinds:

Will Power

Helps get it done

Won’t Power

Is sometimes more important

I Don’t Care Power

Still sometimes wins

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mind Time

Silent serenity is found

In centering down

To the quiet thoughts

Wafting through the

Softly lit corridors

Of your mind

On gentle wings

Of hope

Friday, March 7, 2008

Rock N Roll

Not everything rocks

Sometimes you gotta

Roll with the


Saturday, March 1, 2008

Be Yourself

Just be

The expert
On you

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Have a drink!

Forget the beer suds

Tweak your taste buds

You need to slowly infuse

Your senses with real juice

Orange is just so ordinary

So make it your secondary

On your first reach

Grab some peach

Or be really brash

Show some panache

Tickle your pallet
With pomegranate!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Weather We Could Like

Snow and Ice!

Snow and Ice
Would be nice

If you kept the snow
On the lawn

And the Ice
In your glass!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Cat

My cat just clawed the toilet paper roll...

I hope the holes don't overlap!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Washed hands lately?

A Day in the Life of a Germ

Hi! My name is Germy. I’m just your average every day germ. I don’t do anything special. But I do have a special cell phone to keep in touch with my best friend germs.

Today I woke up in a nice warm mouth on the back of a tongue next to the left upper wisdom tooth. Learned a lot there that I won’t use. Uh oh… bit of a rough ride just now. Intermittent coughs I can handle, but look out for those sneezes! Whoa!! All of a sudden it’s bright and I’m flying through the air on the wave of a big sneeze. Air speed about 600 feet pre second and dropping rapidly. Wonder where I’ll land? Ah, the bathroom sink. Been there before… it’s a great pick up spot. Lot’s a new germs here I’ve never met before. Some of ‘em seem really friendly, but there’s a of bunch of ol’ tough lookin’ hunks on the faucet. Think I’ll steer clear of them.

I hope I get to visit far away places today. I’ve got a yen for travel. Oh good, someone just leaned on the sink to brush their teeth. I’ll just crawl on to that big old hand and take a ride. Oh! Oh! I better wait a few minutes… he hasn’t washed that hand yet. OK, that’s done and I can get on now. But riding on a hand does have its ups and downs. Next stop the front door knob ‘cause I fell off when he turned it. Well I’ll get picked up soon enough… his wife will be along any moment on her way to work. She works at the airport. Yahoo! Here she comes in a rush… must be late. She’s got her make up kit in one hand and her keys in the other. Timing, timing… great, I made it onto her hand. And off we go. Thankfully I avoided the lipstick and missed her lips. Gotta stay on that hand till we get to the check in counter. I want to take a short ride on an airline ticket, hopefully first class and see where I end up for the day.

My luck is holding. The ticket she is handing over is to Phoenix! I just made it to the edge of it as she was giving it to the passenger. Cute girl. I gotta hurry and make it to her finger before she puts it in her purse. Oh, doesn’t matter, ‘cause I just split in two and left my clone behind on the ticket. Yea! We’re on the plane and drinks and snacks are here. Oops! I just got rubbed off on the attendant’s hand. Oh NO! Not into the waste bin! Whew, that was close, but now I’m going back out with the re-fills. I manage to glob onto the pinky finger of a heavy drinker. Oh great! We’re on the way to the restroom now. Guess he was too heavy of a drinker.

Gotta be careful, ‘cause I don’t wanna get flushed. Wow, I managed to stay on the hand and missed the wipe, but… OH! NO! Too late!! I got washed!! Now I’ll never make it to Phoenix! As luck would have it he didn’t use any soap and I’m down the drain and out of the plane headed to the ground.

Oh happy day! The good news is I landed on a brand new Mercedes! The bad news is we just went into a car wash! Arrgh! Glub, glub, gurgle… I’m dying! Urrk!

Moral of the story: if you’re not a germ, be sure to wash your hands often!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Danger, Danger!

Walk… or don’t

Walking keeps the blood moving
Moving blood keeps you moving

You don’t move
It don’t move:

It don’t move:
You don’t move!

Stopped blood clots!
Then things rots!

Think about the implications!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Love is
A heart attack
Some people
Never get over.

Friday, January 18, 2008



Celestial stretch

Of infinitely endless

Stars and other

Matter that

Only God could

Surely understand

Sunday, January 13, 2008

In the Quiet of the Night

San Francisco… On The Bay

It's spooky on a surreally foggy night or early morning

When the misty tendrils of fog hug the lamp posts and

Wetly kiss your cheek in passing.

Such unexpectedly cool passion

Is serendipitously transient,

Reminiscent of the fog

Creeping in on cats paws.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The other day

One Misty Morning

As I peered sleepily out the window this morning

Something told me: Take warning, take warning!

Awesome tendrils of morning mist

Thick enough to punch with a fist

Were swirling around my car…

It was impossible to see very far!

And as I went back to bed I muttered this tome.

I’m so glad it’s Saturday and I can stay home!

My Day!

It All Adds Up

Ever have one of those days?

Like they struck out Willie Mays?

5:30 AM: I found a dead sump pump

So, took it out and sent it to the dump

Then, on my way down town

My car window got stuck down

What a pain!

It’s gonna rain!

Ain’t it just my luck?

But I finally got it up!

I wound up bein’ only 4 minutes late

But it’s OK: I forgot to check the date.

And I’m off today

Hooray, hooray!

Monday, January 7, 2008



Is a four

Letter word


From above

Is a Promise!




For health Care



Are quality assurance tools?

Level of care increases such

That patient wellbeing

Has improved, short term

Long term improvement relies on personal involvement
of the patient
as well as on his routine follow ups.

(does your health need improving? Make your own Health Care QA program!)