Friday, May 25, 2007

The Old Veterans

These men are some of a special breed
They come to the hospital in time of need

These are the guys who fought in WWII
Many times they bring their faithful wives too

And sometimes it's only the wives
Who tell of the men in their lives

They tell of hardships their men endured long ago
So that they and each of us, that evil, could forgo

The wives speak with tearful concern
Over husband's poor health they discern

For they know their gallant guys still pay the price
For the horrors of war they endured in fire and ice

We honor their service, behind, or at the front
We wish we could fulfill their every need or want

But mostly we thank them for what they've done
As we remember their sacrifices in a war they won

They were a part of our nations might
As it fought against evil to keep things right

And so to them we continue to say
Thank you, each and every day

This was written for a WWII vet that came
with his wive for an Echocardiogram. But it
honors all those who have fought for our country
from the Revolutionary War through our current
conflicts. Know a vet? Meet or see a vet?
Thank him.

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