Thursday, May 24, 2007

A Single Day

You have just one day to live.

Will you use it to take or give?

What is important now?

Not your furrowed brow!

Appearances fade from view

With this challenge so new.

And so give it sincere thought!

Now, consider what you ought!

A single day can have an impact.

And that, my friend, is truly a fact.

Would you be John Wilkes Booth that day,

Trying to change a nation in his own way?

Or Bob Hope, still using humor as he lay,

On his deathbed through his very last day?

Each one’s life made a difference.

Neither one straddled that fence.

You don’t have to be great,

And it may not be your fate.

But today’s thoughtful decision

May lead to a great new vision.

So, remember, if you will:

To use each day to its fill.

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